The Best 2024 AI Music Generators for Songwriters

The Best 2024 AI Music Generators for Songwriters

Written by Jess Grant and Benjamin Groff

I’ve heard at least one technology guru state that “AI is the biggest invention since fire.” If that is the case – how will AI apply to the music business? What are the micro to major implications? I have a lot of thoughts on that.

And to say the music industry is always evolving is an understatement.

For example, the music industry was the first where you could take a physical product (like a CD), digitize it, and make it available for free online. Before Napster and file sharing networks, if you just wanted to just get 1 song, you’d have to drive to your local record or CD store and buy that entire album -yes, that physical piece of plastic for $14.99+. Of course, with the rise of file sharing, and even today with multiple licensed free platforms, that $14.99 price point has collapsed to literally $0.

Fortunately, the music business has figured out a system that works—for now.

And now yet again, the music business is on the brink of a revolutionary transformation, driven by advancements in artificial intelligence. What are some of those scenarios?

Obviously, imagine a world where your songwriting partner is a highly advanced AI, capable of generating melodies, lyrics, and even full compositions on the fly. Or consider Sony, who have just bought the Queen catalog. Will we have a new AI-generated hit from Queen featuring new AI Freddie Mercury vocals and a new Queen album? Count on it. Will songwriters need a producer to make a beat and to make a song sound like fire when you can just talk to your digital audio workstation (DAW) and tell it exactly what you want? Conversely, the same might apply to the producer and songwriter relationship. Do some of the heavyweight producers even need their “ghostwriters” anymore?

So many questions. But make no doubt, this future is rapidly becoming a reality, thanks to cutting-edge technologies like Chat GPT-4o, Suno, and Udio. These AI tools are set to redefine how we think about and create music, opening up new possibilities for songwriters and producers alike.

Before we get into a review of each, there are three important premises. First, this space is moving exponentially. We have AI training AI, now. So, for sure – this article will be outdated in three to six months. Second, if you’re a songwriter—look, just start now. Make the first steps. The future is not waiting for you. Third, think of AI as a tool for creating inspiration and then – taking it from there. That’s right. Think of AI like a drum machine in 1980, a digital audio workstation, or the ease of using Native Instruments and soft synths. This is just another evolution to help you get your vision created.

The Evolution of AI in Music

Artificial intelligence has been making inroads into the music industry for years (see our previous articles, “The 5 Best AI Music Generators of 2023,” “Top 5 AI Lyric Writing Generators of 2023,” and “The 8 Best AI Music Tools of 2024“), but early tools were often limited in scope and capability. Initial AI music generator tools could assist with basic tasks, such as generating simple chord progressions or beats, but they lacked the sophistication needed for more complex musical creations.

Amper Music

Amper Music, an early AI music generator tool that has since ceased operations.

From Simple Tools to Advanced AI Music Generators

However, the landscape has changed dramatically with the advent of more advanced models like Chat GPT-4o, Suno, and Udio. These tools not only assist in the creation of music but also bring a level of creativity and adaptability previously thought impossible for machines. Many of these cutting-edge tools now function as AI music generators from text, allowing users to input prompts and receive fully realized musical compositions and productions in return.

Chat GPT-4o: Beyond Text to Music Collaboration

Chat GPT 40 demo

Chat GPT-4o demo.

Chat GPT-4o represents a significant leap forward in AI capabilities. This latest upgrade includes enhanced features such as text recognition, image processing, and speech interaction, making it a versatile tool for a wide range of applications, including music creation.

New Features

Chat GPT-4o can now interact with users in real time, recognize and interpret text and images, and even engage in spoken conversations. These capabilities open up exciting new possibilities for music production. Imagine using your phone’s camera to scan handwritten lyrics or sheet music and having Chat GPT-4o instantly provide feedback or generate complementary melodies.

Applications in Music

The real magic happens when you apply these features to the context of songwriting and production. As AI technology advances, I’m predicting we’re likely to see Chat GPT-4o (or something like it) integrated with music production software like Logic and Pro Tools, enabling real-time collaboration. In the near future, you’ll be able to ask and talk to the AI to suggest chord progressions, generate lyrical ideas, or even help with arranging and mixing your tracks.

Consider a scenario where you’re stuck on a verse or need inspiration for a bridge. By simply engaging in a conversation with Chat GPT-4o, you can rapidly audition different ideas, get instant feedback, and iterate on your song until it feels just right. The AI can also emulate the production styles of famous producers, allowing you to achieve a specific sound or vibe effortlessly.

Future Potential

Looking ahead, the potential for AI-assisted mixing and mastering is immense. Picture this: you finish recording a track and tell your AI assistant to mix it in the style of renowned engineers like Chris Lord-Alge or Manny Marroquin. You could request adjustments in real time, such as making the beat hit harder, swapping out synthetic strings for organic ones, or adding layered harmonies inspired by Queen. All of this could be done through a conversational interface, streamlining the production process and enhancing creativity.

Suno: Redefining Music Creation with AI

Suno demo

Suno demo.

The Suno AI music generator is another powerful, amazing AI tool that is changing the game for music creators – from professionals to hobbyists. Launched as a generative AI music creation program, Suno can generate realistic songs that combine vocals and instrumentation based on text prompts provided by users, effectively functioning as an AI music generator with vocals.

Overview of Suno AI Music Generator

The Suno AI music generator has been designed to create music that sounds incredibly professional and realistic, whether it’s generating full songs with vocals or purely instrumental tracks. The program has been widely available since December 2023, following its integration with Microsoft’s Copilot and the launch of a user-friendly web application. It has quickly become recognized as one of the best AI music generators available.

User Experience

Musicians and producers using Suno have reported significant improvements in their creative workflows. The ability to generate hundreds or even thousands of variations of a song through prompts allows for a highly iterative and exploratory approach to songwriting. By treating AI-generated outputs as cowrites, artists can refine their ideas to perfection, effectively collaborating with the AI as if it were another band member.

Technical Aspects

One of the key strengths of Suno is its sophisticated model training, which ensures that the music it generates is unique and avoids plagiarism. The company has implemented robust safeguards to protect against copyright issues, which is crucial in today’s litigious music industry. However, that can’t stop any company from making a claim on how these models were trained.

Legal Considerations

Despite these precautions, Suno, like nearly AI music generator tools, faces legal challenges. In June 2024, the Recording Industry Association of America filed a lawsuit against Udio and Suno, alleging widespread infringement of copyrighted sound recordings. This legal battle highlights the complex and evolving nature of copyright law in the age of AI-generated music.

RIAA announces lawsuit

The RIAA announces lawsuit.

But just like any other technological breakthrough in our business – the general plan is to let the platform get big enough – and then license it.

Personally, I find Suno to be nothing less than jaw droppingly amazing and equivalent to an atom bomb as far as the implication of change to our industry.

Udio: The New Player in AI Music Generation

Udio demo

Udio demo.

Udio is another exciting entrant in the field of AI music creation. Founded by a team of former Google DeepMind researchers, Udio has quickly gained attention for its ability to generate music based on simple text prompts, positioning itself as a formidable AI music generator from text.

Introduction to Udio’s Free AI Music Generator

Udio’s free AI music generator beta version was released in April 2024, allowing users to experiment with its capabilities. The program has received financial backing from notable figures in the music and tech industries, including and Common.


Udio’s strength lies in its flexibility and ease of use. Users can specify genres, lyrical themes, and even specific artists to base the sound on. The AI then generates two initial song ideas, which can be further refined and extended. This iterative process allows musicians to craft songs that are highly personalized and tailored to their creative vision.

Reception and Criticism

Udio has received mixed reviews from critics. On the one hand, it has been praised for the realism and emotional depth of its generated vocals, making it a strong contender for the best AI music generator with vocals. On the other hand, some have criticized it for producing shorter, less polished songs compared to Suno. Additionally, there are ongoing concerns about the potential for misuse of copyrighted material in its training data.

Legal Issues

Like Suno, Udio is also embroiled in legal challenges related to copyright infringement. The outcome of these lawsuits will have significant implications for the future of AI-generated music and its acceptance within the industry.

The Impact of AI Music Generators on the Industry

The Good: Innovation and Accessibility

The advent of AI in music creation has democratized the process, making it accessible to a broader range of people. You no longer need extensive musical training or expensive studio equipment to create professional-sounding music. AI music generator free tools like Chat GPT-4o, Suno, and Udio enable anyone with a computer and an internet connection to produce high-quality music.Hmm – but is that really a good thing? Regardless, this democratization fosters a more inclusive and diverse musical landscape, allowing for the emergence of new genres and innovative soundscapes that might never have been discovered otherwise.

The Good: Collaboration and Workflow

AI is also transforming how musicians collaborate and streamline their workflows. Traditional songwriting often involves multiple collaborators, extensive back-and-forth communication, and numerous revisions. AI tools can facilitate this process by providing instant feedback, generating multiple iterations of a song, and helping to refine ideas quickly.

For instance, using Suno, a songwriter can generate a melody, have Chat GPT-4 suggest lyrical themes, and then use Udio to produce a polished track—all within a single session. This efficiency not only saves time but also enhances creativity by allowing artists to focus more on the artistic aspects rather than technical details.

The Questionable: Challenges and Concerns

Despite the exciting potential of AI in music, several challenges and concerns need to be addressed. One of the primary issues is intellectual property and copyright. The legal battles right now showcase the complexities of using AI-generated content in an industry heavily regulated by copyright laws. Ensuring that AI-generated music does not infringe on existing works while still fostering creativity is a delicate balance that will require ongoing attention and adaptation of legal frameworks.

Another concern is the ethical implications of AI in music. Critics argue that AI-generated music can lack the emotional depth and authenticity of human-created music. Additionally, there is the potential for AI to replace human musicians, leading to job displacement in the industry. These ethical considerations must be addressed as AI continues to evolve and integrate into the music creation process.

Hollywood writers strike

The 2023 Hollywood writers’ strike highlighted the significant impact of AI on creative industries.

Above all, and referencing my ever-popular article, “Why Music Sucks So Hard Right Now,” the big picture issue I find is that, while allowing anyone to create professional-sounding songs and music, in some cases in less than 30 seconds, technology, in my opinion, has not been helpful in the long-term elevation of music creation and greatness.

But hey, that’s just me. If you disagree, let me ask you: Which environment as a music fan would you prefer? One where it takes an artist’s soul passion, focus, blood, sweat, tears, sacrifice, and 10,000 hours to become an expert in songwriting and creating art (note that for me, song “art” includes “In Da Club” by 50 Cent, as much as it does “Blowin’ in the Wind” by Bob Dylan), or an environment where literally anyone can now write prompts and get a song outputted in 30 seconds?

We’re not even talking about the exponential and detrimental explosion of song uploads to the DSPs (Spotify, Apple, etc.) and how the gene pool of songwriting royalties may be watered down. And how is that going to be regulated in the first place? We’re already at 750,000 music releases per week. What happens when we have 1.5 million, 2 million, or more songs being released on those platforms.

It’s coming.

Preparing for the Future of AI in Music

Getting Started with AI Music Tools

For songwriters and producers looking to integrate AI into their workflow, the first step is to just start. Even if it’s just getting a subscription and starting with Chat GPT-4o or Claude—start there and then begin familiarizing yourself with the available AI songwriting tools. I’d recommend starting with Suno and Udio as providing a solid foundation. Both platforms offer user-friendly interfaces and extensive tutorials to help new users get started. Setting aside dedicated time to explore these tools and experiment with their capabilities can yield significant creative dividends.

Adapting to Change

Embracing AI and reframing it as a creative partner rather than a threat is crucial for musicians. AI can enhance human creativity by providing new ideas and perspectives that might not have been considered otherwise. Staying informed about the latest developments in AI technology and legal standards is also essential to navigate this rapidly changing landscape.

Musicians should also consider the ethical implications of using AI in their work. Striking a balance between leveraging AI’s capabilities and maintaining the human touch in music is key to producing emotionally resonant and authentic works.

As a last but important “safety tip“—the Library of Congress, as of today, will not recognize anything created by AI as being copyrightable. So take those words for what they’re worth.

Conclusion: The Future of AI in Music Creation

As we look to the future, it’s clear that AI tools like Suno, Chat GPT-4o and Udio are set to revolutionize the music industry. These technologies offer unprecedented opportunities for creativity, collaboration, and efficiency in music production. However, they also present significant challenges and ethical considerations that must be carefully managed.

The transformative potential of AI in music is akin to the introduction of the digital audio workstation or the at-home four-track recorder—technologies that forever changed how music is made. By embracing AI and exploring its possibilities, musicians can unlock new levels of creativity and innovation, shaping the future of music in ways we can only begin to imagine.

four-track recorder

The four-track recorder: The original game changer for songwriters?

I’ll close this article out on a final note. There’s a percentage of people reading this article who have a mindset like “Nah – A.I. will never be able to create something as good as a human can.” Or “I’m just going to do my thing and ignore this.” My take is that type of thinking is akin to the disco producer who had an amazing career from 1976 to 1979. And then the early 80s kicked off with New Wave music. Suddenly, disco was considered cheesy and old. But instead of recognizing a change in music genres and trends – that disco producer doubled down on the premise that “disco would never die.” I think you know how that story ends.

Personally, I align with those postulating that AI is the most important invention since fire. And we’re just in the 1st inning – AI will change everything. And most every time a new technology has emerged in a sector – those that embraced it early – were the new winners. And when ADATs came out (the 1st 8 track digital recorder) and you stuck with your 2 inch analog tape machine – you got left behind.

Lastly, I’ll quote one of my new friends, Peter Diamandis, founder of A360, XPrize and Singularity University. Peter says: “AI will not take your job – but the person who does know how to use AI – will.”

An exciting, generational opportunity waits before you.

Additional Resources

For those interested in diving deeper into the world of AI and music, check out our other articles on AI in music. These articles include links to favorite AI tools like vocal emulators and virtual bandmates, offering a comprehensive guide to integrating AI into your music creation process:

The 5 Best AI Music Generators of 2023:

Top 5 AI Lyric Writing Generators of 2023:

The 8 Best AI Music Generators of 2024:

Image sources:

David James Henry, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Cry_Baby_Wah_Wah_&_Zoom_MRS-4_multitrack_recorder.jpg: wetwebwork from london, U.K derivative work: Clusternote, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

About the Author

The Author of “How Do I Get A Record Deal? Sign Yourself!”

My career in music publishing extends over 25 years, including BMG Music (bought by Universal) and EMI Music Publishing (bought by Sony), as well as the 1st U.S. employee of Kobalt Music Publishing, where he helped build the roster over 10 years as Executive VP of Creative.

Benjamin is currently heading up his own publishing company, Brill Building, as well as label and music filter, We Are: The Guard. Benjamin’s signings range from Ryan Tedder, Kelly Clarkson, The Lumineers, Grimes, Savan Kotecha, OneRepublic, SOPHIE, Ariel Rechtshaid, Greg Kurstin, Tiesto, Kid Cudi, TOKiMONSTA, TR/ST, Cut Copy, Big Freedia, Lindy Robbins, Peaches and yes, even Steel Panther. His specialty in the music business is early artist, writer and writer/producer development.

post author Benjamin Groff

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